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Articulation Essentials Lite

Articulation Essentials Lite



  • 应用分类:教育
  • 应用收费:免费
  • 人气热度:4947
  • 发布时间:2024-03-17 11:52:23
  • 应用语言:"EN"
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 适用平台:IOS
  • 应用厂商:Nabeel Ahmed Khan

This is a free versi

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This is a free version app of Articulation Essentials.

Articulation Essentials is a great app that makes speech therapy fun and is the best way to practice articulation without SLP supervision at home. It has everything you would need for practicing articulation at one place, with each menu simple to navigate so even small children can enjoy the app on their own.

The premium version of articulation essentials in on an introductory sale price of $9.99. Articulation essentials contains no hidden charges or additional costs. The app contains all the word and sound activities for articulation and speech therapy in one package. To install articulation essentials premium version visit this link

Articulation essentials is designed to facilitate speech therapy for speech delays, Articulation Apraxia, Aphasia, Phonology, Stuttering, Naming Therapy and Autism. It provides an extensive library of word flash cards which cover a full range of sounds that children often have difficulty pronouncing. It can be used by Speech Language Pathologists (SLP), parents and teachers to practice the pronunciation techniques taught in speech therapy.

For Speech Therapists, Articulation Essentials app includes articulation techniques for 22 consonant sounds coupled with blends, multi-syllabic words, sentences and phrases in the English language. Teachers also have the ability to isolate the initial, medial and final position sounds for all spoken words to help refine articulation. The app also enables you to keep and save scores for everyone during speech therapy sessions.

Articulation Essentials App contains:

?\tOver 1400 words and associated images for articulation practice

?\tReal life Images to keep children entertained

?\tNon repetitive flash cards for words, phrases and sentences

?\tProgressive techniques for articulation divided into levels

?\tVoice recognition and real time sound playing

?\tEasy to practice even without SLP or adult supervision

?\tStimulating activities and articulation games

?\tAbsolutely No Ads

And more!!

Articulation Essentials app can also be used for

1.\tKids who enjoy looking at everyday objects with sounds

2.\tChildren first words

3.\tNaming therapy for children with special needs

4.\tArticulation picture tools

5.\tApraxia & autism flash cards

Please share your suggestions & feedback on articulationessentials@

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This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple?Watch app icon.

New Additions in this Update:
- Customize word lists
(Now you can create multiple customized words lists for each sound program)

- Add Custom Words/ Images
(Now you ca




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Articulation Essentials Lite
